Monday, 28 May 2018



Thanks to Netgalley and Hodder & Stoughton for giving me this book to review

Caraval is a twisty and turning fantasy book where everything is a game, and no one knows what to believe. Half of the time I had no idea who to trust and had no clue what would happen next. There was romance, action and magic, and a story I really enjoyed, but I wish there was more world building.

I wasn’t the biggest fan of Scarlett as she seemed a bit bland and there was nothing really unique about her as she was loyal and protective towards her sister Tella and just plain good. Tella I also didn’t like, even though she wasn’t in the story bit as she was so self-centred and didn’t seem to care about everything Scarlett does for her. I like Julian as he kept me guessing and he pretended not to care about anyone but himself, but he had hidden depth.

I enjoyed the ending and the teasing it had towards the next book Legendary which I will definitely be reading. I would recommend to fans of Daughter of the Burning City or other twisty YA fantasy books.

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