Sunday 18 November 2012

Lady Knight

3 Stars/5

Kelladry conquered her fears in the Chamber, and has been made a Lady Knight.  War has been declared on the Scanarans, and Kelladry’s first assignment is as the commander of a refugee camp. She is also in charge of her friend, Neal and lots of civilians and criminals serving out their sentences as labourers and soldiers on the front lines. She gains a new servant, Tobe, a young boy she befriends. When the “Killing Devices” descend upon her camp and kill or capture most of the inhabitants, Kelladry must follow them and fulfil her destiny as Protector of the Small.

Kelladry has developed more as a character in this book, and you get to see some of the characters who in earlier books were seen as older, and therefore infallible, in a new light. Through Kelladry’s eyes she can see that those she looks up to are not omnipotent and are making the best decisions that they can.

In this book you get to see some of the rest of the Tortallean world, and get to see that not all Scanarans are evil, and many are acting out of fear.

I would recommend Tamora Pierce’s books to anyone who likes young adult fantasy which isn’t too dark and heavy.

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