Tuesday 26 February 2013

Quest for the Scorpion's Jewel

3 Stars/5

Thanks to Netgalley and Warner Press for giving me this book to review.

Jesse has a crippled leg, and after his parents disappear he is left to live on the mercy of his aunt and uncle, who run Mir’s inn. After 3 members of the Youth Guard, Silas, Rae, and the injured Pavel, come requesting aid at the inn, Jesse is asked by Pavel to go with Rae and Silas, and complete their patrols mission of extracting the missing tribute from the Sheik of Da’armos in the form of the Da’armon people’s sacred jewel, the Scorpion Jewel.

Quest for the Scorpion’s Jewel was a good book, with a few semi-expected plot twists, which is set in a different world, without any magic (so far at least). The book can drag you in, and has good pacing, however, there are quite a lot of questions which have not been answered which I hope will be answered in Escape from Riddler’s pass.

Jesse is quite a nice boy, who seems to be a bit too willing to volunteer for the most dangerous of jobs. Rae is quite aggressive and confrontational, but very loyal to her friends.

In conclusion, Quest for Scorpions Jewel is a good book, and I would recommend it to people who enjoyed the Temereaire series by Naomi Novik

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